We are always delighted to hear from investors. Whether you’re a long-time client, or at the very early stages of looking for a professional money manager, please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments. If you are a non-Canadian resident and would like to request a password to access the full website, please call one of our team members below.
Here are the phone numbers and email addresses to reach us at:
Senior Vice President
T 416-306-3043
Senior Vice President
T 514-576-8734
Vice President
T 416-306-3032
Vice President, Advisor Relations
T 416-306-3022
Associate Vice President
T 416-306-3038
For US persons
Old City Securities, LLC – Sole U.S.-based distributor of Turtle Creek Funds
T 512-492-5802
Turtle Creek Asset Management Inc.
Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West,
Suite 5100, Toronto, Ontario,
M5H 3Y2 Canada